Friday, September 21, 2007

My Top 5 Ways To Propose

Proposals can make for a memorable experience or a disastrous start to a marriage. I prefer the former. As such, here are my top 5 ways to propose:

1.) Go back to the place you first met. At the beach or the store or wherever that is and pop the question there. If it is a restaurant or something like that you can usually get tell them in advance and they may be able to set something up.

2.) Hiding the ring in some thing during a meal. Hopefully nothing that either of you will chow down on right away. Try slipping it in a loaf of bread and have her break it open or maybe in a wine glass and point out that there is something in her drink.

3.) At a public event such as a party or on the radio if you have contacts at the local radio stations.

4.) Posting a sign up on a road you both usually travel on. "Will you marry me?" in big letters on poster board.

5.) Surprising her at work with a ring and some flowers.

What ever you decide on, if you put your hearty and thought into it, IT will be a success. If you need more coaching click here.

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