Friday, September 21, 2007

Public or Private Proposal?

In planning your proposal you have probably wondered if you should make it a private proposal, such as proposing over a dinner you make her at home. Or a grand public display professing your love on the jumbotron at Yankee staudium.

Before you even delve into either be sure that you have some sort of idea that she wants to marry you. Have you talked about marriage before? Has she mentioned that she is dead set against it or did she say she has been waiting all her life to be asked?

These are definite questions you need to really talk about before you pop the big question otherwise you may find yourself on the depressing side of a rejection. Be sure to talk to your significant other before diving head first into an empty pool. Be yourself and be unique and you will definitely have an amazing proposal.

Proposal Ideas Seen On Oprah

Every one knows that Oprah is the Queen of Romance. Check out a book she featured on her show called "Marriage Proposal Stories and Ideas." This guide has helped idiot-proof proposals for knuckleheads around the world.

Marriage proposals don't have to be expensive and with a little creativity will make it a story to tell for ages! Unfortunately not many of us have the knack of being creative. Luckily help is here. Make your proposal extra special and a memory of a life time. Check out Michael Webb's book "Marriage Proposal Stories and Ideas" before its too late!

My Top 5 Ways To Propose

Proposals can make for a memorable experience or a disastrous start to a marriage. I prefer the former. As such, here are my top 5 ways to propose:

1.) Go back to the place you first met. At the beach or the store or wherever that is and pop the question there. If it is a restaurant or something like that you can usually get tell them in advance and they may be able to set something up.

2.) Hiding the ring in some thing during a meal. Hopefully nothing that either of you will chow down on right away. Try slipping it in a loaf of bread and have her break it open or maybe in a wine glass and point out that there is something in her drink.

3.) At a public event such as a party or on the radio if you have contacts at the local radio stations.

4.) Posting a sign up on a road you both usually travel on. "Will you marry me?" in big letters on poster board.

5.) Surprising her at work with a ring and some flowers.

What ever you decide on, if you put your hearty and thought into it, IT will be a success. If you need more coaching click here.